
難しいTOEFLiBTスピーキングの出題傾向から目標点数まで カナ先生編


TOEFL iBTスピーキング セッションは大きく2つに分かれていて全6問で構成されています。最初のIndependent Speakingは短い問題文を読んでスピーキングのみを行う問題で計2つ出題されます。続くIntegrated Speakingでは会話や講義を聞いてメモをとり、文章を読んだ上で行う問題となっていてスピーキングのみではなくリーデング、リスニングと総合的な問題が4つ出題されます。テストは全体で約20分となります。

TOEFL iBTスピーキングではヘッドセットをつけそれから流れる音声を聞き、画像を読み質問に自分の言葉で答えるという形式のテストです。マイクに向かって話し、画面の指示に従いながら行う形式で画面では時間の経過がわかるように時計があり、時間制限のあるスピーキングテストとなっています。

TOEFL iBTスピーキングでは北米英語のアクセントだけではなく他の地域のネイティブスピーカーによる様々なアクセントのスピーカーによる音声が使われます。その中には英国、ニュージーランド、オーストラリアアクセントが含まれます。実際に留学した時に様々な英語に対応し理解できるように多様なアクセントの英語を用いたテストとなっています。TOEFLはTOEICと違い留学を目的としてテストとなっているため留学先に多い国や地域の英語のアクセントを使用しています。 ここでは身近なトピックについて個人の意見を述べるテストとなっていてリーディングやリスニングの課題を基にして話す形式となっています。




Independent Speaking & Integrated Speaking

Independent Speaking (Task):


Integrated Speaking (Task)

ここでは計4つの問題が出されます。Task 3 & Task 4では30秒の準備時間与えられ回答時間は60秒です。Task 5 & Task 6 は準備時間が20秒与えられ回答時間は60秒となります。

Task3ではリーディング、リスニングとライティングの複数のスキルが求められるためintegrated taskと呼ばれています。ここでは大学のキャンパスに関連する120字前後のリーディングを45~50秒以内に読みその後にリーディングの内容に関連した学生同士の会話を聞きます。その後に30秒の回答準備時間が与えられその間にリーディングの内容に関する会話の意見の要約を述べるというスピーキングテストになります。要するにはリーディングした文章とそれに基づいた会話を聞きそれを自分の言葉で要約するという問題となっています。





Task1-6 の採点はそれぞれ4点満点となっています。全6問で満点の4点を取ると合計30点、それぞれで3点を取ると23点、2点だと15点、1点だと8点という採点方法となっています。全体アプローチ(Holistic approach)という採点形式となります。各タスクでスピーキング全体を見て全体的に何点のレベルのスピーキングなのかを決める採点方法となっているので、ミスの回数によって評価されるわけではありません。ですから話している途中にミスをしたからといって満点の4点をとれないというわけではありません。ETSに認定されている採点者がスピーキングの評点をして、受験者がどのようにトピックを展開し言いたいことをどれほどうまく伝えられているかを判定します。主にDelivery (流れ、発音、ペース、イントネーション等)、Language use(文法と単語)、Topic development(内容-:しっかり質問に答えられているのか)と3つの点を評価しています。


・26~30点 優

・18~25点 良

・10~17点 限定的

・0~9点 弱


 Task1 例題:

What is your favorite place to visit on weekends? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite place to go.


Task 2 例題

Some people enjoy taking risks and trying new things. Others are not so adventurous; they are cautious and prefer to avoid danger. Which behavior do you think is better? Explain why.


Task 3 例題

You will now read a short passage and listen to a talk on the same topic. You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, give yourself 30 seconds to prepare your response. Then record yourself speaking for 60 seconds.(Source = TOEFL iBT® Quick Prep, Vol.3)

City University plans to begin playing music over loudspeakers in the campus cafeterias. You will have 50 seconds to read an article from the campus newspaper about the plan. Begin reading now.

Reading Time: 50 seconds

Music Coming to Cafeterias

Mary Dixon, Director of the Student Life Committee, announced yesterday that beginning next semester, university cafeterias will broadcast classical music during mealtimes. “Music will foster a more relaxed atmosphere,” said Dixon. “Students’ lives are hectic, and mealtimes provide important opportunities to take a break and catch up with friends before moving on to the next class or assignment.” Added Dixon, “We’re also hoping that, if we provide the music, students will unplug their personal music devices—their Walkmans™ and MP3 players or whatever—and will spend more time talking to each other. When students have their headphones on, they’re not connecting with each other.”

Now listen to two students discussing the university’s plan.


The man expresses his opinion of the university’s plan. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

Preparation Time: 30 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds

Task4 例題



 In psychology, the feeling of complete and energized focus in an activity is called flow. People who enter a state of flow lose their sense of time and have a feeling of great satisfaction. They become completely involved in an activity for its own sake rather than for what may result from the activity, such as money or prestige. Contrary to expectation, flow usually happens not during relaxing moments of leisure and entertainment, but when we are actively involved in a difficult enterprise, in a task that stretches our mental or physical abilities.





(Male professor) I think this will help you get a picture of what your textbook is describing. I had a friend who taught in the physics department, Professor Jones, he retired last year. . . . Anyway, I remember . . . this was a few years ago . . . I remember passing by a classroom early one morning just as he was leaving, and he looked terrible: his clothes were all rumpled, and he looked like he hadn’t slept all night. And I asked if he was OK. I was surprised when he said that he never felt better, that he was totally happy. He had spent the entire night in the classroom working on a mathematics puzzle. He didn’t stop to eat dinner; he didn’t stop to sleep . . . or even rest. He was that involved in solving the puzzle. And it didn’t even have anything to do with his teaching or research; he had just come across this puzzle accidentally, I think in a mathematics journal, and it just really interested him, so he worked furiously all night and covered the blackboards in the classroom with equations and numbers and never realized that time was passing by.



Task 5 例題



(Female student) How’s the calculus class going? You’re doing better?

 (Male student) Not really. I just can’t get the hang of it. There’re so many functions and formulas to memorize, you know? And the final . . . It’s only a few weeks away. I’m really worried about doing well.

 (Female student) Oh . . . You know, you should go to the tutoring program and ask for help.

 (Male student) You mean, in the Mathematics building?

 (Female student) Ya. Get a tutor there. Most tutors are doctoral students in the math program. They know what they’re talking about, and for the final test, you know, they’d tell you what to study, how to prepare, all of that.

 (Male student) I know about that program . . . but doesn’t it cost money?

 (Female student) Of course. You have to register and pay by the hour . . . But they’ve got all the answers.

 (Male student) Hmm . . .

 (Female student) Another option, I guess, is to form a study group with other students. That won’t cost you any money.

 (Male student) That’s a thought . . . although once I was in a study group, and it was a big waste of time. We usually ended up talking about other stuff like what we did over the weekend.

 (Female student) But that was for a different class, right? I’ve actually had some pretty good experiences with study groups. Usually students in the same class have different strengths and weaknesses with the material . . . if they’re serious about studying, they can really help each other out. Think about it.



Briefly summarize the problem that speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.

Task 6 例題



(Female professor) Human beings aren’t the only animals that use tools. It’s generally recognized that other animals use tools as well . . . use them naturally, in the wild, without any human instruction. But when can we say that an object is a tool? Well, it depends on your definition of a tool. And in fact, there are two competing definitions—a narrow definition and a broad one. The narrow definition says that a tool is an object that’s used to perform a specific task . . . but not just any object. To be a tool, according to the narrow definition, the object’s gotta be purposefully changed or shaped by the animal, or human, so that it can be used that way. It’s an object that’s made. Wild chimpanzees use sticks to dig insects out of their nests . . . but most sticks lying around won’t do the job . . . they might be too thick, for example. So the sticks have to be sharpened so they’ll fit into the hole in an ant hill or the insect nest. The chimp pulls off the leaves and chews the stick and trims it down that way until it’s the right size. The chimp doesn’t just find the stick . . . it . . . you could say it makes it in a way. But the broad definition says an object doesn’t have to be modified to be considered a tool. The broad definition says a tool is any object that’s used to perform a specific task. For example, an elephant will sometimes use a stick to scratch its back . . . it just picks up a stick from the ground and scratches its back with it . . . It doesn’t modify the stick, it uses it just as it’s found. And it’s a tool, under the broad definition, but under the narrow definition it’s not because, well, the elephant doesn’t change it in any way.



Using points and examples from the talk, describe the two different definitions of tools given by the professor. 






コツは慣れることです。慣れるためには数をこなす事です。まずはテンプレートをこなし回答のフォーマットを身に着けることです。回数をこなす事で書くTaskに求められる回フォーマットを身に着け、先ほども述べたとおり採点の基準となるdeliver, language use and topic developmentを意識して回答することです。難しい表現や単語を求められているわけではなくいかに自然に正しく話す事ができるかがポイントなので考えや表現にこだわるのではなくシンプルかつはっきり自身をもって正しい発音で話す事が大切です。流れるように話す事を意識し途切れ途切れになったり沈黙にならないようにしましょう。


Task1&2 テンプレート:



2.my opinion:自分の意見




1,2. In my view, ________________________./ There are several reasons for this.

3. The first reason being ________. / The first reason for this opinion is ___________.For example, _________.

4. The second reason being ________. / The second reason for this opinion is______________. For instance, _________.

5. That’s why ____________________./In conclusion__________________.

Task3 テンプレート:







Task4 テンプレート:

The reading is about            which the passage defines as           .
The professor gives an example of            to illustrate this.
He (she) says                                         .
So this example clearly illustrates _____________________.

Task5 テンプレート:

The man’s (woman’s) problem is that _________.The students discuss two solutions.
The first solution is that ________.
The second solution is that ________.
If I were the man (woman), I would choose the first (second) solution.
The first solution is not great because__________.
The second solution is better because__________.
That’s why__________.

Task6 テンプレート:

The professor discusses _________ and he /she describes two types/definitions of ______.

The first type is__________, which the professor defines as________________.
The professor gives an example of ________ to illustrates this.
He says ______________________.

The second type is__________, which the professor defines as________________.
The professor provides an example of _______ to illustrates this.
He states ____________________.
That’s how the professor describes_________________




オンライン英会話 Universal Speaking(ユニバーサルスピーキング)

