





1. 自由会話(スモールトーク)


2. スピーチ


3. Q&A







1. 2017年の例

Can the consumption of meat be morally justified?

Is the Japanese economy too dependent on manufacturing?

Can the efforts of individuals change society for the better?

Are enough public funds invested in the arts?

Should more be done to combat extremism on the Internet?

2. 2017年の例

Will Asia dominate the world stage in the21st century?

Is enough being done to stop the illegal trade in endangered species?

Has the quality of journalism declined in the digital age?

Agree or disagree: Sexism has been eliminated from modern society

Should the study of history be a higher priority in modern education?




1. 入室


2. 着席

面接官: Good Morning.
受験者: Good Morning.
面接官: Please have a seat.
受験者: Thank you.

3. 氏名の確認と簡単な自己紹介

面接官1: My name is -.
面接官2: My name is -. May I have your name please?
受験者: My name is -.
面接官: Okay, Ms -, How long did it take you to get to here this morning?
受験者: Actually, I am based here in Osaka, so it took me only about 30 minutes on foot to get here this morning.
面接官: It’s a nice day for a walk. Alright, could you tell me a little bit about yourself?
受験者: Okay, I am an editor at a publishing company here in Osaka, but I was born and brought up in Kyoto.
面接官: Which do you like better Kyoto or Osaka?
受験者: I like both but I prefer Kyoto because Osaka is quite crowded, and too built-up. Because Kyoto is so close, I often head back there on weekends to see my family and get away from the stresses of work.

4. 「トピックカード」を受け取る

面接官:OK. Thank you very much. Let’s begin the test. Here is the topic card.

5. スピーチの考慮時間(1分間)

面接官:You have one minute to choose one topic from the five choices and prepare your speech.

6. スピーチ(2分間)

面接官:Please tell us which topic did you choose.
受験者:I have chosen the third topic, is tradition always worth preserving?
In my opinion, I don’t think you can say whether tradition is always worth preserving. It depends on the specific tradition that people are talking about. To explain my opinion, I have two reasons. The first is that some traditions add value to modern life and help connect us to the past. However, my second reason explains that some traditions are a part of the past and should be left that way. Using examples from Japan, One important tradition worth preserving is marking the passing of seasons. Japan has many ceremonies and traditions which marks spring, summer, fall and winter, as well as the end of the year. These are important as they remind us to respect nature and place in it, even in the modern world. Another one is taking off our shoes before entering homes. We are symbolically leaving the outside world behind and it helps to keep homes clean. In that way, it improves our daily lives and connect us with past customs at the same time. Some people may say that tradition is always worth preserving. To them I would ask what they think of the old tradition of women walking a few steps behind men in Japan. In the interests of equality, this is not a tradition that I think we need to preserve. We can remember it in history classes, but we do not have to continue it. To sum up, it is not possible to say that tradition is always worth preserving. Many traditions should be continued, but only if they add value to modern life.

7. Q and A (4分間)


面接官: Thank you. We are now going to ask you some questions about your speech. You mentioned the tradition of taking off shoes in Japan. Can you explain a bit more about how this brings value to modern life?
受験者: Well, I think that the tradition of taking off our shoes when we enter other people’s home or sacred places is an important part of respect. We’re respecting other people or places by trying to make sure we do not bring in dirt from outside. On a personal and practical level, when we take off our shoes before entering our own homes, our cleaning duties are lighter. If I kept my shoes on at home, I’d have to clean a lot more than I do now.
面接官: In addition to your example of women walking behind men, do you have any ideas about tradition that you think are not worth preserving?
受験者: Certainly, the Japanese tradition of sending New Year’s cards is that the one that is becoming less popular, particularly among young people. Japanese people send many cards to friends, acquaintances and business connections. Some of my friends, however, prefer to send emails from their computer or messages from their cell phones. These options are quicker, cheaper, and more environmentally friendly. In this case, I think people should be allowed to choose whether they want to send card or not and society should stop pressuring people to preserve this tradition.
面接官: And you feel the same way about summer and New Year’s gifts?
受験者: Yes those tradition can place a big financial burden and create an uncomfortable relationship of obligation. In addition, sometimes people end up with things they do not want or use. This tradition causes a lot of wasteful and unnecessary spending in society. I think that people should find other ways to build and maintain relationships.
面接官: You’ve talked quite a bit which traditions to preserve. What do you think the best way to preserve those traditions?
受験者: Actually, I think that home is the best place to preserve and pass traditions. If children see that their parents value traditions, such as cleaning whole house at New Year or, bowing to show respects then children will continue these traditions in the future. Of course, schools also have a role to play, as do museums and culture-promotion groups, including tea-ceremony clubs, and so on. And, of course, if the government and companies give funding to these groups, it becomes easier to get people interested in different traditions, but I think that the starting point for preserving traditions is in the home.
面接官:Now, I’d like to move slightly away from the topic. You briefly mentioned the role of schools. I would like to ask whether you think it’s important for Japanese schools to teach Japanese history?
受験者:Yes, definitely. I think schools have responsibility to educate their students about our country’s history. With this knowledge, students can better understand the world around them, and it will give them better idea of what direction their country should take in the future.

8. 「トピックカード」を面接委員に渡す

面接官: Alright, your time is up. That is the end of the test. Could I have the card back please?





英検の面接ではスピーチ(speech)、応答の内容(Interaction)、語彙、文法(Vocabulary and Grammar)、発音の正確さ(pronunciation )などの観点で評価されます。合格するためには、それぞれ4つのポイントをしっかりと抑えて準備をする必要があります。

Speech ( 2分間のスピーチ)

一般的によく言われることですが、スピーチの構成としては起承転結を意識して首尾一貫した内容を意識することがとても大切です。序論、具体例、結論の順に論理的に意見を組み立てる練習が必要です。この点に関してはライティング対策と考えを組み立てる方法は同じですが、アウトプットの方法が異なります。最初の導入部分で、「In my opinion」,「I would say」,「I think, I agree/disagree with」 などの表現を使い自分の意見をはっきりさせて、次になぜそう思うのかを一般的に理解しやすい具体例を出して、説明します。最後の結論の部分は、序論の部分と言っていることは同じです。表現方法を変えて直前に話した例に関連付けてもう一度自分の主張を繰り返します。そうすることで、聞き手に主張がはっきりと伝わります。上記の面接例文では、スピーチのみならず、質問への答えも導入、具体例、結論の順で話しています。


2分間のスピーチに対しての面接官に尋ねられる質問への応答が評価されます。緊張している中質問されると焦ってしまいがちですが、しっかりと質問内容を理解して答えれば大丈夫です。面接だからといって、特別なことはなく、普段ご家族やご友人と話している時のように自然な会話を丁寧に進めていくことが大切です。質問がわからなかったら、「Could you please repeat your question?」「Could you please speak a bit more slowly?」 「Could you paraphrase your questions?」と素直に聞き返しましょう。最も避けたいのはしばらく黙ってしまう状況です。少しくらいの間は全く問題ありませんが、とにかく何かしらのコミュニケーションを取ることがとても大切です。Interaction を辞書で調べると「交流、相互作用、ふれあい」という意味が出てくる通り、的を射た回答も大事ですが、同時にコミュニケーションの取り方も見られています。少し考える時間が必要な場合は、let me see…とゆっくり言いながら考えてみたり、どうしても質問への答えることができなかったら思い切って、「I am sorry but I have no idea.」と言ってみたりするのもひとつかもしれません。

Vocabulary and Grammar (語彙と文法)

スピーチと面接官との質疑応答で使う文法や語彙も評価されます。ライティングだと見直しができますが、スピーキングだと言い直しややり直しはできないのが、難点です。単数形や複数形、三人称のS、時制など基本的なことでも話すとなると、途端に難しくなります。その為、かなりの練習が必要です。最近ではオンラインの英会話で英検に特化したコースもありますし、そうでなくても、自分が話す英語を直してもらう機会をつくることがおすすめです。まずは、自分で録音して聞いてみるそしてそれらは減点対象でもあります。語彙に関しては、同義語をたくさん覚えて置くことがおすすめです。「I guess/ I assume」、「I think/ I would say」など多少のニュアンスの違いを理解しつつ、意見を述べる上でよく使い分ける表現をいくつか覚えて状況によって使いわけるだけで、語彙力があるように聞こえます。

Pronunciation (発音の正確さ)

アクセントやイントネーションを含め、聞き取りやすく正確な発音をする必要があります。その為には、LとRの違いをはっきりとさせたり、「th」、「シュワサウンドə」 と呼ばれる日本語にはない発音を学んだりする必要があります。試験までにあまり時間がない場合は、発音にこだわりすぎる必要はありません。四つの評価のうちの一つなので、文全体のイントネーション、単語のアクセントに気を付けて、他の3つに力を入れるのが賢明かもしれません。試験日まで半年以上ある場合は、一冊発音用の本を買って発音記号の勉強をしっかりとすることがおすすめです。日本語にない音もたくさんあるので、それらは記号とともにある程度規則的に覚えることができます。発音記号の概念や知識が少しあるだけで、日々発音の練習の質がぐんとあがります。




オンライン英会話 Universal Speaking(ユニバーサルスピーキング)

