
TOEICのリーディング対策!満点はこう取れ! Nat先生編





TOEICリーディングセクション=語彙力テストなので知っている単語が多ければ多いほど正解率は必然的に高くなります。語彙力を写真の画素数に例えると、画素数が高いiPhone Xで撮った写真の方がガラケーで撮った写真より鮮明で正確に情報がキャッチできますよね。ある言語学者によるとTOEICで使用されるほとんどの単語は1500 words in General Service List (GSL)  1000 words in General Academic List (GAL)から出題されているとされています。


英文読解における速読とは専門性のない単純な文章のなかで重要でない情報をスキップし全体像をつかむことで文章を素早く読むためのメソッドです。これらの文章は修辞や ”fluff”と呼ばれる、文章の要点から離れた単語が多く使われているのでざっと目を通す速読術を使って効果的に要点だけでなく筆者の伝えたいことが読み取れます。反対に、TOEICで使用される文章は専門的でfluffをほとんど使用しないため通常の文章の3分の1の密度にぎゅっと濃縮されています。つまりTOEICの文章は速読をするには情報量が多すぎるのです。なので速読術にフォーカスした問題集を解くのではなく、何度もTOEICと似た問題を解くことで自分が全ての情報をキャッチ出来る最速のペースを見つける必要があります。





泥棒ってカンニングか?!いえいえ、安心してください。これはT.H.I.E.V.E.S.(泥棒) Strategyと呼ばれる長い文章を効率よく読むための前読み戦略の1つです。TOEICで出題される長文の多くは各段落の1文目にその段落で筆者が伝えたいことがまとめられています。また各段落の1文目の文章はその段落のまとめの1部でもあります。なので各段落の1文目を読むことでその文章の大まかな全体像を短時間で掴むことができます。このメソッドをしてから文章読解に入ると既にクリアな全体像が出来上がっているので短時間で文章を全て理解しつつ読み進めていくことができます。


  • タイトルから自分が既に知っている知識はあるか?
  • タイトルが後々の文章にどう影響するか?
  • タイトルが何らかの見解を表明しているか?
  1. 見出しから文章のトピックを掴む
  2. 見出しがどのように段落で議論されるのだろう?→答えはあるか?
I…Introduction (第1パラグラフ)
  1. 文章の大まかな議題を掴む
E…Every first sentence in a paragraph
  1. 1文目からその段落がどんな内容を議論しているかを掴む
V…Visual / Vocabulary
  1. 地図や写真はあるか?
  2. 1.から読み取れることは何だ?
  3. 注釈は理解力向上につながるか?
  4. 関連性のある語彙の連続はあるか?
  5. 太字の単語に注目!
E…End of the chapter question
  1. 何が聞かれているか?
  2. 質問から情報収集
  3. 質問を忘れない!→ 文章読解中に適切な答えを見つけられる
  1. まとめから理解したことは何だ?




There are two major systems of criminal procedure in the modern world — the adversarial and the inquisitorial. The former is associated with common law tradition and the latter with civil law tradition. Both systems were historically preceded by the system of private vengeance in which the victim of a crime fashioned his own remedy and administered it privately, either personally or through an agent. The vengeance system was a system of self-help, the essence of which was captured in the slogan “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” The modern adversarial system is only one historical step removed from the private vengeance system and still retains some of its characteristic features. Thus, for example, even though the right to institute criminal action has now been extended to all members of society and even though the police department has taken over the pretrial investigative functions on behalf of the prosecution, the adversarial system still leaves the defendant to conduct his own pretrial investigation. The trial is still viewed as a duel between two adversaries, refereed by a judge who, at the beginning of the trial has no knowledge of the investigative background of the case. In the final analysis the adversarial system of criminal procedure symbolizes and regularizes the punitive combat.

By contrast, the inquisitorial system begins historically where the adversarial system stopped its development. It is two historical steps removed from the system of private vengeance. Therefore, from the standpoint of legal anthropology, it is historically superior to the adversarial system. Under the inquisitorial system the public investigator has the duty to investigate not just on behalf of the prosecutor but also on behalf of the defendant. Additionally, the public prosecutor has the duty to present to the court not only evidence that may lead to the conviction of the defendant but also evidence that may lead to his exoneration. This system mandates that both parties permit full pretrial discovery of the evidence in their possession. Finally, in an effort to make the trial less like a duel between two adversaries, the inquisitorial system mandates that the judge take an active part in the conduct of the trial, with a role that is both directive and protective.

Fact-finding is at the heart of the inquisitorial system. This system operates on the philosophical premise that in a criminal case the crucial factor is not the legal rule but the facts of the case and that the goal of the entire procedure is to experimentally recreate for the court the commission of the alleged crime.

タイプ1: メインアイデア


質問: The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) explain why the inquisitorial system is the best (better なら適切)system of criminal justice →×(誇張表現によって本来の筆者の意図から外れている)

(B) explain how the adversarial and the inquisitorial systems of criminal justice both evolved from the system of private vengeance → × (筆者の意図を理解していない。文中ではなぜ片方が優れていてもう片方が劣っているのかを議論する形で両方のシステムが発展したと説いている)

(C) show how the adversarial and inquisitorial systems of criminal justice can both complement and hinder each other’s development → ×

(D) show how the adversarial and inquisitorial systems of criminal justice are being combined into a new and better system → ×

(E) analyze two systems of criminal justice and deduce which one is better → 正解 (2つのシステムを表記し、片方が優れていることを示している)

タイプ2: ディスクリプション


質問: According to the passage, the inquisitorial system differs from the adversarial system in that → 第2段落、第4文に注目!
(A) it does not make the defendant solely responsible for gathering evidence for his case → 正解
(B) it does not require the police department to work on behalf of the prosecution
(C) it does not allow the victim the satisfaction of private vengeance
(D) it requires the prosecution to drop a weak case
(E) a defendant who is innocent would prefer to be tried under the inquisitorial system

タイプ3: エクステンション


質問: The author views the prosecution’s role in the inquisitorial system as being


(A) an advocate for both society and the defendant

(B) solely responsible for starting a trial

(C) a protector of the legal rule

(D) an investigator only

(E) an aggressive but fair investigator → 正解

タイプ4: アプリケーション


質問: Based on the information in the passage, it can be inferred that which one of the following would most logically begin a paragraph immediately following the passage?
(A) Because of the inquisitorial system’s thoroughness in conducting its pretrial investigation, it can be concluded that a defendant who is innocent would prefer to be tried under the inquisitorial system, whereas a defendant who is guilty would prefer to be tried under the adversarial system. → 正解 (筆者の意図を的確にまとめられている)
(B) As the preceding analysis shows, the legal system is in a constant state of flux. For now, the inquisitorial system is ascendant, but it will probably be soon replaced by another system.
(C) The accusatorial system begins where the inquisitorial system ends. So, it is three steps removed from the system of private vengeance, and therefore historically superior to it.
(D) Because in the inquisitorial system the judge must take an active role in the conduct of the trial, his competency and expertise have become critical.
(E) The criminal justice system has evolved to the point that it no longer seems to be derivative of the system of private vengeance. Modern systems of criminal justice empower all of society with the right to instigate a legal action, and the need for vengeance is satisfied through a surrogate — the public prosecutor.

タイプ5: 筆者の気持ち


質問: The author’s attitude toward the adversarial system can best be described as
(A) encouraged that it is far removed from the system of private vengeance
(B) concerned that it does not allow all members of society to instigate legal action
(C) pleased that it does not require the defendant to conduct his own pretrial investigation
(D) hopeful that it will be replaced by the inquisitorial system
(E) doubtful that it is the best vehicle for justice → 正解 (筆者は第3のシステムを望んでいる可能性を暗示していることからDの “hopeful” が不適となります



Part5: 30問を7分で解く→1問〜15秒

Part6: 4文章を8分で解く→1文章〜2分

Part7: 54問の1問ずつに1分掛ける!


単語はこれだけ知ってれば十分!→ General Service List (GSL) 1000 Words / General Academic List (GAL) 1000 Words with Videos

問題演習に持ってこい →“公式 TOEIC Listening & Reading 問題集”



TOEIC リーディングで一番大切なのはタイムマネジメントに加え、語彙力と問題文をこなした数です。一度解いた問題文を徹底的に分析し(分からない単語を調べる、文章構成を理解する…)分からないところをほったらかしにしないことでリーディング力はみるみる付きます!また、出来るだけ毎日英語に触れる環境作りを欠かさないでくださいね J スマホで英文記事を読んだり毎日時間を決めて(30分、1時間でも大丈夫!)勉強する習慣をつけることで英語脳への切り替えがスムーズにできます。




オンライン英会話 Universal Speaking(ユニバーサルスピーキング)

