講師紹介(Teacher Ralph)|オンライン英会話のユニバーサルスピーキング


Teacher Ralph 先生のプロフィール

Teacher Ralph 先生
  • 出身国アメリカ合衆国
  • 居住国カナダ
  • Point1,000pt
  • Rankカナダ人
講師名 Teacher Ralph 先生
性別 男性
自己紹介 Hello, my name is Ralph and, for me, teaching is a form of communication which is also a kind of cultural exchange, a place to learn about each other, while of course learning the correct way to speak and write in English. For many years I’ve taught students of all ages, from elementary school through college. Please be aware that I do not speak Japanese. My approach is relaxed and calm, each student learning at their own speed.. As a native speaker born in New York City I look forward to sharing my knowledge of English with you.

学歴・職歴 2 years teaching English with Universal Speaking.

Teacher Ralph 先生のスケジュール

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Teacher Ralph 先生のクチコミ

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