講師名 | Tatiana 先生 |
性別 | 女性 |
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自己紹介 | My name is Tatiana and I am happy to help you improve your English. My main focus is to overcome the language barrier, as well as make your pronunciation and grammar better. I have been teaching English and working closely with the language since 2007 when I was a student of Linguistics and Interpreting. I have been working with groups and giving individual lessons to mostly beginner and intermediate levels, and I would be glad to assist you as well. 運営事務局より Tatiana先生は英語が母国語でない生徒に英語を教えていた経験があり、困っていたり迷っていたりするところを丁寧に教えてくれます!幅広いレベルのレッスンを提供してくれるので、英語が話せない方も今よりも英語を強くしたい方も受けてみましょう! |
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